Time Tab Grid Fields and Descriptions

Use the fields in the Time tab grid to view and set time-related information for tasks.

The columns described in the following table are the default columns. You can select the columns that you want to see on the grid using the Column Selector Profiles pop-up.

Field Description
Click to display the Column Selector Profiles pop-up, which you can use to customize the grid.
# This column displays the row number.
Type This column displays the task type. Use the drop-down to change the task type:
  • Fee items are billed to the estimated fee, regardless of the hours spent.
  • Time items are billed based on time spent.
  • Milestones are dates on the schedule and have no monetary implication.
External Category You use external task categories codes when integrating TrafficLIVE with other systems. You can use external task categories to communicate the category with the other system(s) so that data can be matched between systems.
Priority You can assign a priority to the task, which can be used for filtering in the rest of the system. The available priority values can be set in the Admin > List Management section.
Description Enter or edit the stage/job description.
Note Click on the Note icon in this column to display the Notes pop-up, where you can view/add notes about the task. This field can contain formatted text, HTML code, and hyperlinks.
Charge Band This column displays the charge band. Use the drop-down to change the charge band rate. This is the role that is required to do the work. These are set up in the Admin area.
Realization % This column displays the amount as a percentage of the default fee that you are currently realizing.

This field label changes to Blended Realization % if you choose Allocated Resources in the Job Costing Type field on the Job Details tab.

Allocated Resources

These fields are only displayed if you choose Allocated Resources in the Job Costing Type field on the Job Details tab.

Field Description
Blended Hrs This column displays the total number of hours assigned to that task across all resources.
Blended Cost This column displays the hourly rate cost for all resources assigned to the task, converted into a single hourly rate for the task.
Blended Price This column displays the hourly rate for all resources assigned to the task, converted into a single hourly rate for the task.
Blended Total This column displays the total estimated value for the task (Blended Price x Blended Hours).
Click to copy the allocated resource figures to the estimates columns.


Field Description
Hrs This column displays the estimated hours. Click in a cell to edit the data.
Cost This column displays the estimated hourly cost. Click in a cell to edit the data.
Markup % This column displays the estimated markup in percentage. Click in a cell to edit the data.
Price This column displays the estimate hourly price. Click in a cell to edit the data.
Total This column displays the estimated total. Click in a cell to edit the data.


Field Description
Work Hrs This column displays the hours that are available for internal scheduling. Click in a cell to edit the data.

You can enter more or fewer of the hours than you have estimated to the client into a workflow. This enables you to hold a bit back or to allocate more time if the job requires more time than expected. When used correctly, work hours give you better visibility of where you are with each job. This value defaults to the estimated hours unless changed.

Act.Vs.Work This column displays the actual hours that were used versus the Work Hrs.

The progress bar indicates whether the task is under or over time. Green means within Work Hrs. Red means over Work Hrs.

Act.Vs.Est (Inc Margin) This column displays the actual value of time logged versus the estimated value of the task.

The progress bar indicates whether the task is under or over the estimated value of the task. Green means under. Red means over.

Act.Vs.Est (Personal Rate) This column displays the actual value of time logged based on the submitter's personal charge band rate versus the estimated value of the task.

The progress bar indicates whether the personal rate of the submitter is under or over the charge band value of the task. Green means under. Red means over.

Task Status This column displays the task status. Use the drop-down to edit the status.

In the Admin area you can choose your own selection of task statuses to help with workflow and reporting.

This column displays the happy rating for the task, set by the person who is allocated to work on the task in My Calendar.
Select the check box to flag the task as complete. This also stops time being edited / added.
Click to review, add, or edit time entries.

If you have made any changes to the grid, this option is disabled until you click Update to save your changes.

<#>% This field displays the percentage of the budget that has already been allocated to the task. When no time has been allocated, this displays 0%.

Click to display the Quick Schedule pop-up to allocate resource time to a task.

If you have made any changes to the grid, this option is disabled until you click Update to save your changes.

+ - Click these buttons below the grid to add or remove tasks.
Add Stage / Remove Stage Click these buttons below the grid to add or remove stages. The Remove button is disabled if you do not have a stage selected in the grid.